QNAP - Hybrid Backup Sync 3.0 to BackBlaze B2

In this article I'll show you how to backup your data from QNAP to BackBlaze B2 object storage, by using Hybrid Backup Sync 3

HBS 3 is in beta, you can tested it out here : https://www.qnap.com/solution/hbs3
You can ask / comment on this reddit post : https://www.reddit.com/r/homelab/comments/c0am7v/qnap_hybrid_backup_sync_30_to_backblaze_b2/

Here's the backup plan

  1. My PROXMOX node backup all very important VM on a QNAP volume with only one backup retain
  2. Hybrid Backup Sync backup all the data to B2 object storage with a 30 days retain on all data

Create the bucket on BackBlaze

Before going on QNAP, we need to define the bucket, in my example, the bucket name would be qnap-tuto-lbdg

In the object storage world, the bucket is the "data deposit"

First logon your BackBlaze account, and browse on Buckets

Then, create a new bucket
Choose a name for the bucket, and set it as Private

The bucket is created, now, I don't recommand to use your master key to connect from QNAP, so we create a new application key

Click on the App Keys menu

Then Add a New Application Key

  • Chose a name for the key, it could be everything, it's more like a description
  • Select to allow access on qnap-tuto-lbdg (previously created bucket)
  • Chose Write-Read

And create new key. At this point, don't leave the page.
BackBlaze will display a keyID & an applicationKey, the applicationKey only shows at this point and never could be displayed after.

Configuration the Storage Space on HBS 3

The new HBS 3 have more "split configuration" for the backup / sync jobs

Create the BackBlaze profile on Storage Spaces

We browse to Storage Spaces to define the BackBlaze profil that will be used for the backup job.

We create a new profil for Storage Spaces

Select the service you want to connect, in our case, BackBlaze B2

The login informations are

QNAP term BackBlaze term
Account ID ==> keyID
Application Key ==> applicationKey

Fill the forms with the previous generated app keys on the BackBlaze website

And then press create.
Now, the BackBlaze profile is created and can be used for the backup / restore configuration

Create the backup job

We create a backup job, that we can scheduled after the proxmox backup

We select the concerned folder to backup "pve01-important"

Then the destination, BackBlaze B2 :

We see the previously BackBlaze profile, this contain all the connexion datas

And we scroll down to the BackBlaze B2 bucket name which we give access to ; and choose a multipart size, which is the size a single request on backblaze

We also need to create a folder on the bucket, we cannot upload on the root folder

A short summary of the source and destination

It could be enought for a simple backup job, but we want retention.

We go on the Policies tag, and check Remove deleted data from the destination, and define a retention of 30 days

The last summary before creating the job

Then the job will process

After ~15 minutes for 5.5 GB, the job is finished

In the BackBlaze website, we saw our files.


My average upload rate on BackBlaze B2 is 4.5 MB/sec. But my internet connexion is 500 Mbps. BackBlaze told me that is the performance for their service, it could be better with more parallel tasks.

Here's some results :

Size Duration
5 GB 20 minutes
51.6 GB 4 hours and 15 minutes

BackBlaze is affordable and less than 1$ (for 100 GB) a month is worth it to have peace of mind over critical data